Le Repaire de Gulix

I read, saw, listened to, played - issue 76

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When you let a post sit for a while, and spend your time discovering new things, well, you end up with a post full of great stuff. Please scroll down - it's not just the top of the page that's worth a look!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 17 to 23

TMNT City at War, Part 2

I reported last January that I'd resumed the ongoing series of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the recent version (even if a new series has come since). I got a bit stuck at one point because of the multi-dimensional story that got me slightly lost. The Krang Trial offered some interesting things, but in the end, I didn't feel involved in these adventures. For me, TMNT is New York.

And so, after letting it rest for a while, I jumped back on the track and haven't let it go since. The return to New York sets in motion a magnificent arc that will lead to an Issue 100 that will echo the 50th one, with an epic, terrible but tremendously well-delivered conclusion (and one that will shake up the status quo).

I rediscovered everything I loved about this run: well-constructed characters, far from monolithic, with very modern, touching questions. On family, on duty, on friendship, on revenge. All the characters have their moments and evolve. And that's what I like in a long-running series.

Will I continue the adventure with the following episodes? I'm not sure yet. I think this is a fine conclusion, even if there are still many unresolved arcs.

The Wisdom of Crowds, by Joe Abercrombie

Couverture du roman La Sagesse des Foules. Une garde d

Schitt's Creek, season 2

La famille Rose à l

Les Pires Moments de l'Histoire

Les Pires Moments de l


Jumpscare Le Podcast qui aime les films d

Everyone on this train is a suspect, by Benjamin Stevenson

Tout le monde dans ce train est suspect

Mission: Impossible

Mission Impossible

The Hand & The Six Fingers, 1 & 2

Men in Black 1 & 2

Men In Black

The Traitors US (Season 3)

The Traitors