I read, saw, listened to, played - issue 76
When you let a post sit for a while, and spend your time discovering new things, well, you end up with a post full of great stuff. Please scroll down - it's not just the top of the page that's worth a look!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 17 to 23
I reported last January that I'd resumed the ongoing series of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the recent version (even if a new series has come since). I got a bit stuck at one point because of the multi-dimensional story that got me slightly lost. The Krang Trial offered some interesting things, but in the end, I didn't feel involved in these adventures. For me, TMNT is New York.
And so, after letting it rest for a while, I jumped back on the track and haven't let it go since. The return to New York sets in motion a magnificent arc that will lead to an Issue 100 that will echo the 50th one, with an epic, terrible but tremendously well-delivered conclusion (and one that will shake up the status quo).
I rediscovered everything I loved about this run: well-constructed characters, far from monolithic, with very modern, touching questions. On family, on duty, on friendship, on revenge. All the characters have their moments and evolve. And that's what I like in a long-running series.
Will I continue the adventure with the following episodes? I'm not sure yet. I think this is a fine conclusion, even if there are still many unresolved arcs.
The Wisdom of Crowds, by Joe Abercrombie
- Conclusion of the Age of Madness trilogy. But clearly not the conclusion of the stories in this universe.
- Gripping. Terrifying. After the war, the Revolution. And the madness of men trying to rebuild by destroying everything.
- Terrifying moments. Always this great sense of staging, of alternating points of view to immerse us in the crowd.
- A story arc in the North that lacks connection with the rest.
- Characters evolve, not necessarily in a positive direction, but with logical developments.
- Some pleasant and bloody resolutions. The ending is a little too open-ended.
Schitt's Creek, season 2
- The main cast gets stronger, more endearing and evolves.
- Situational humor, as the Roses still have trouble adjusting to their new environment...
- ...but there's a real shift and you can tell they're enjoying it. The series becomes feel good, and doesn't have the voyeuristic, cringe-inducing quality we might have feared.
- The evolution of the characters, their openness, their friendships: this is the strength of the series (along with the surprise of Moira's outfits, of course).
Les Pires Moments de l'Histoire
- A french-canadian speaking podcast, about the Darkest times of history (Witch Hunt, Worst Popes, Dracula, Rasputin...)
- A ~~podcast~~balado with a really enjoyable duration (within 20 minutes).
- Well-documented topics on dark moments in history, but told with just the right amount of humor. We learn and laugh at the same time.
- A first season that can be swallowed in no time, given the interest and relevance of the subjects. The little “Instants...” jingles are always a pleasure to hear.
- The singing Quebec accent takes me on the journey, and I can't wait for the subjects to get out of Europe a bit.
- A French-language podcast about horror films, covering current news and revisiting cult (or not) films.
- A group of enthusiasts, who don't always agree, but whose sensitivities, arguments and discussions make it possible to better understand the films discussed.
- The discussions are a pleasure to follow, and the editing is light but effective.
- And now I've got lots of films to add to my to-watch list...
Everyone on this train is a suspect, by Benjamin Stevenson
- Picked up at random in the media library, swallowed in less than a week: a highly effective page turner.
- An murder mystery novel, sometimes annoying in its gimmick of an author who consciously and explicitly sends us clues (the counting of names...).
- The tropes of the genre are well exploited, although some of the clues are a little far-fetched. I had fun trying to find the solution.
- Efficient. Lightweight. Well-paced.
Mission: Impossible
- Almost 30 years old, nonetheless.
- A bloody effective introductory scene (even if, once you know the ending, you can spot a few things). Probably a shock when it came out at the time.
- The iconic heist scene is a bit WTF, but that's what Mission: Impossible is all about.
- A well-stocked cast, with no real false notes.
- More espionage than action so far.
- Should I watch the saga before the next one comes out?
The Hand & The Six Fingers, 1 & 2
- A comic book about a serial killer, an investigation, in serial form with a monthly distribution. Intriguing enough to be tempted.
- In each volume, one issue from the investigator's point of view, another from the killer's.
- A twilight atmosphere, with a city in the future that looks more like a ruin of our own world than an Sci-Fi one.
- No idea where it's all going to end up, or the mystery of the code, but the atmosphere is gripping.
- A different style of drawing between the two stories, giving each a real cachet.
Men in Black 1 & 2
- A big step back in time, with blockbusters that don't last 2 hours: a pleasure!
- It's fast-paced, with little downtime and no side plots.
- It's aged surprisingly well visually. The sets are all very studio-esque, even (especially?) the desert scene. The lighting, in particular.
- Humor, action, a second opus that builds on the first.
- Never takes itself too seriously.
The Traitors US (Season 3)
- Intrigued by the concept, and spurred on by the presence of Survivor players, I wanted to discover this game concept.
- Characters make the whole game: you have to play a character to stand out from the crowd. And yes, even if they're real people, it's still TV (and some have understood that).
- Challenge games range from OK to WTF (the dollhouse?, the clowns?).
- Lack of general strategy possibilities. Many choices are made purely by feel.
- The waltz of outfits. A true fashion show.
- Editing... dishonest and sloppy. Incessant cuts/rollbacks, cliffhangers that lack coherence (as if an episode of Survivor ended with a council without revealing the vote), a breakfast arrival that should reveal the Traitors!
- Some characters hold the season together, and the rest is forgettable.