Le Repaire de Gulix

Black Holed Sun

Other versions Read in fr

Last weekend was Les Utopiales in Nantes (and I'll come back to this in a later post). And, for the first time, I took part in the TTRPG scenario contest.

I chose to submit a scenario for Brindlewood Bay. A surprising choice in view of the previous winners (Cthulhu or Chroniques Oubliées, a french D&D kinda clone, basically), but a fully assumed and deliberately disruptive one. Why not start planting the seeds of the idea that there are other ways of presenting and writing a TTRPG scenario than the classic literary word block found in so many publications?

In short, it was a scenario (which I'm told is very interesting, and I trust the person who told me this) for Delta Green that won, and my Murder Mavens go home empty-handed...

But with the scenario written and layout pretty much done, there wasn't much left for me to do to get it out there and make it available.

Black Holed Sun

Obsessed by the Obsidian Sun

In this mystery, the Murder Mavens will sneak into a on reservation only conference around an old, unsolved treasure hunt. Someone's going to die. Of course!

But, trapped in this lodge in the hills of the County of Brindlewood, the Mavens are going to do everything they can to solve it... and maybe solve the treasure hunt itself? In any case, the stakes are high for one of them, as the mystery will reveal her obsession with the hunt.

And who knows, maybe the Obsidian Sun will become a central piece of your campaign?

The Mystery is available in French and in English), on itch.io (soon also on DriveThruRPG).
